What I learned on my personal branding journey + Tips

I was asked by the online education platform EAZL to share my experience on creating my personal brand. So I decided to make a video talking about my journey in switching careers and how I decided to brand myself as a company and person when I moved to Amsterdam. When you are an entrepreneur and you offer services sometimes you really need to think about the best way to show your expertise and your personality and in that way you can create a deeper link with your potential clients. So here it is my journey and some tips on how to create your personal brand.

Further you can also find:

  • How the way you behave and show yourself online can affect your branding.
  • Why do you really need to know yourself, but also listen to other people’s perceptions, to create a stronger brand.
  • How to connect with your potential clients
  • Ho can you differentiate from your competition.
  • How your behavior online can affect your personal brand
  • Tips on improving your own personal branding

You can also check these tips for entrepreneurs in how to develop your personal branding.

If need help in creating your personal brand just send me a message at mail@luisamachacon.com.

Create your personal brand